present situation of nepal

      Nepal is a reknown as zone os peace all over the world. But actually today it is reknowned for its political instability and voilence. Present situation of Nepal is very critical.The political situation is also very critical.
            Today the minister are not thinking about mother Nepal and are being self concentrated. They think only of their own party and fighting for the chair. they are being selfish day by day. Instead of thinking for the development of the country, they are breaking down n bringing hindrance in the development of the country . Only and only because of them today mother  Nepal has tears on her eyes.Only and only because of them today the constitution of Nepal is not prepared yet.Only and only because of them today people are suffering.        

         Today the brothers of same family are fighting because of being involved in different parties. Today are newly married  bride became widow only because of them . A child who has just born became an orphan only because of them.Today the life of people have become unsecure, they even don't know that they will survive tomorrow or not.So, people are just suffering from them.
         So, it's time  for people to think rationally and not dependent upon the ministers only. It's time to think about the present scenario and work according to it. It's time to unite all the manpower and do something for the welfare of the country.
        In my opinion it's better to do the re-election and choose the best candidates.
        The present political situation of Nepal is not so rash as one might possibly think of. The cease-fire in Nepal between Maoist and Government has shown a positive aspect to the tourism industry.The restriction has been lifted triggering rise among the people in movement. The Government of Nepal and Moist are highly commitment towards the peace talk. We pray to the Almighty to impart patience, courage, forbearance and vision of hope so that their talks would lead to the restoration a permanent peace in our Nation.